In “The Edge of Seventeen,” a 2016 film that was released on Netflix in February, the main character Nadine (Hailee Steinfeld) is a high school junior struggling to relate to the other students in her school because she is socially awkward and doesn’t seem to fit in. After Nadine’s father passes away from a heart attack, Nadine feels like the only person she has left is her friend Krista (Haley Lu Richardson). Nadine’s relationship with her mother is always a struggle with their constant fighting and her mom’s struggle to understand Nadine. Nadine’s brother, Darian, (Blake Jenner) is favored by their mother and has been popular since day one. When Krista starts dating Darian, Nadine feels betrayed by Krista, and their friendship hangs on a thread. With no one left, Nadine finds herself connecting with her history teacher Mr. Brunen, (Woody Harrelson) Throughout the next few months Nadine struggles to find acceptance with the difficult events in her life, but with the help of Mr. Brunen, she comes to the realization that its okay if everything in life is not okay.
“The Edge of Seventeen” is a great movie for fans of “The Breakfast Club. ”If you are looking for a similar ending and a storyline about figuring out your place in the world and that not everyone’s life is as it seems, then this movie is just right for you. Hailee Steinfeld’s character Nadine may be relatable to many people in high school who consider themselves wallflowers or outcasts. The movie has a heart-warming ending and a relatable story plot. A lesson to be learned from the movie is life’s journey can be difficult sometimes, but it’s how we push past those difficult obstacles and learn from them that shape us.