Home Opinion Yu-Gi-No!


by Galaxie Vail

In the words of Michael Mell, a character from the hit musical Be More Chill, “There’s never been a better time in history to be a loser!” Now more than ever, nerds, geeks and everyone in between are coming out of the woodwork to demand their place at the social table. On campus, Dungeons and Dragons groups are meeting left and right, while card games like Magic the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh! are played often, in Graham and Stoddard parlors especially.

It is a good thing that those who have been beaten down before are rising up and being given a voice in the social spectrum, but could they possibly do it a bit quieter? I know that Yu-Gi-Oh! Is an exciting game, but there is no reason for such yelling. Besides the sometimes vulgar words and accusations, one does not wish to hear “Cheater!” being yelled from across the room while in the middle of a 20 page paper. Sometimes, peace and quiet is all one needs to finish that essay they’ve been procrastinating, or that quiet place to meet with their project partners.

I do not use the parlor often, but when I do, I often have the misfortune of being in the parlor at the same time as these Yu-Gi-Oh! players. It proves difficult to concentrate with shouting going on constantly. I’m not saying that the players need to leave or find a new playing space. They do not take up much space and tend to sit out of the way; the only issue is the noise level.

Speaking to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Players in question: please be considerate of others while playing such games and make sure that the parlor is empty before being noisy or arguing too loud. Your game sessions are not bad, just too loud.

So consider this a plea to at least attempt to keep quiet while other people are in the parlors.

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