
by Ashley Thompson

A new game is sweeping the video gaming world: “Fortnite.” Many are calling it “The Hunger Games” of the video game world. This free downloadable game is taking the internet by storm. Free to play and download on any device, the accessibility makes this one of the most popular games this year.


In recent months, “Fortnite” has seen an increase in user activity, thanks to live streaming. It is not only popular with gamers, but celebrities have started playing it too, including Drake, who live streamed while playing it. This game is a new type of shooter game and it appeals to a wide net of gamers. This is because it is not just a game about shooting other players but building and collecting resources as well. It is a combination of both aspects that make this game so popular with everyone. The game attracts a new audience, with its over forty million downloads according to Battle Royale stats.


Now, the “Fortnite” that has been getting so much attention is Battle Royale’s game mode; this game has more of a dystopian feel to the game, rather than the original “Fortnite” that was Minecraft meets “The Walking Dead.” In the original version, players would have to try and survive the zombie outbreak by building structures to stay safe. In Royale’s version, players are dropped into an arena and must find weapons and materials to win the game.


One hundred players must battle it out to be victor. Players are launched from a bus and skydive their way to the arena, choosing where they land. They then must start collecting materials and weapons while staying on the lookout for others in the area. It is a battle to the finish and everyone is in on the action.


“Fortnite’s” success has been accomplished by accessibility to the game. While other similar versions of the game have been released, most either cost money to download or have in-app purchases that must be made in order to win. Battle Royale has created a game that free for anyone and everyone with a smart device, gaming console or PC to download and play. It wasn’t until the game was released for iOS earlier this year that the game really took off in popularity. Another feature of the game that has gained popularity is that you can play with your friends over multiple devices.

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