The new movie “A Star Is Born,” directed by Bradley Cooper, is a romantic drama that focuses on the music industry, specifically the upcoming star Ally (Lady Gaga) and the musician Jackson (Bradley Cooper). Ally is a struggling music artist who performs at a local bar and meets Jackson when he visits the bar for a drink. Jackson sees something in Ally, and he invites her to one of his performances where he performs an original song by Ally and invites her to sing on stage with him.
This is just the beginning of Ally’s career. She starts performing with Jackson on a regular basis, and they quickly fall in love along the way. Jackson has problems with alcohol and drugs, and Ally sticks with him and tries to help him get through these problems because she loves him.
The movie starts off a bit unnecessarily slow, but after the slow part, it really picks up and becomes a true masterpiece. The music is one of the best parts of the film: it is heartfelt and emotional, and it creates a more intense atmosphere than just the scenes alone. Gaga and Cooper are great in these roles because their characters sing together often, and their voices complement each other’s perfectly.
This movie followed Ally and Jackson through many stages of their life together showing all the bad and all of the good between them. This movie could make you laugh, cry, get angry and feel so many more emotions because the movie made you feel like you were immersed in the movie and you could feel the character’s emotions with them.
Towards the end of the movie, it seemed like the events were going so fast, but it felt like that was on purpose because life sometimes seems like it’s going slow or fast, and it felt like that was represented in the film. This movie is very emotional, but it is still very much worth the watch; maybe just bring some tissues.