Home Arts & Lifestyle Blackburn Style

Blackburn Style

by Galaxie Vail

Whether getting ready for class or club, breakfast or dinner, everyone on campus has their own style. Some wear dress clothes every day, while others won’t be seen in anything other than sweatshirts and crocs. Some people dress up on Fridays and others wear their sport gear all the time. No two people dress alike, and everyone likes to put a little touch of their own flair with everything they wear. The amount of diversity in dress on campus is astounding, with as many different people as the school has.

Girls’ style can range from leggings and shorts with graphic t-shirts to dresses and skirts paired with cute blouses. Guy’s style ranges from sweatpants or basketball shorts with graphic t-shirts, to nicer jeans or slacks with a button-up shirt. Some students will even show up to classes and meals in pajama bottoms; it’s not an odd sight to see people on campus dressed like this.

Allison Kromray, a junior majoring in financial mathematics, says her style has changed some, but not much, since her freshman year. “As a freshman I wore sweatpants because I was constantly running from class to class, but now I feel like I can dress up more because I have more time.” Kromray states that she also has different styles of dress, “Sometimes I wear [casual clothes] and sometimes I like to wear cute sweaters and jeans.” Kromray says that the one thing everyone has in common is sweatpants. Kromray states, “Everyone has worn sweatpants at some time.” While it certainly seems true, there are some students who would never dream of wearing their sleep clothes outside of their dorm room.

For example, Hannah Brown, a sophomore majoring in theatre, likes to dress up as much as she can. “I had dance on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I dressed more comfortably on those days. On the other days, I dressed up as much as I could.” Brown doesn’t expect her style of dress to change as she enters her career.

Most guys have a more laid-back attitude towards dressing. Austin Ives, a senior majoring in Secondary History Education, says his style is more “Boring white dad”. He says he wore more sweatpants and casual wear in freshman year than he does now. “As I got farther in the educational program, I dressed more professionally because of field experience, having to visit the schools every so often. At least two times a week I dressed business casual” Ives states.


James Hickam, a freshman majoring in Art Education, says he wears a lot of jeans and t-shirts, with the occasional button-up shirt. Hickam expects to wear more professional clothing through college and his career. When asked if he had anything he wanted to add, Hickam stated, “Finding clothes that fit me, as a trans dude, is really hard, especially athletic-wear. They don’t make a lot of clothing for bigger people or people with different body types.”

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