Home Opinion Your Dam Opinion: What do you think of Colin Kaepernick not standing for the National Anthem?

Your Dam Opinion: What do you think of Colin Kaepernick not standing for the National Anthem?

by Jordan Wood


“As a military-based family, it honestly goes both ways because he does have the right to sit down, but also people died for the flag. Either way, like any controversy, there is going to be two different sides and I feel like is it kind of childish, yes, but at the same time there are people dying”

Lauryn Jackson


“Something that I love about this country is that you do have the freedom to do as you please. You have freedom of free speech, but while this isn’t [or] should ever on a legal level be punishable, in my opinion, it’s something that I feel like he has very little decency in doing…because it is because of these freedoms that he is able to make millions as a football player in the first place.”

Robert Wingerter


“I completely respect him, like he was the first one to step forward and nobody else has ever stepped forward. And people need to take charge and they need to see a big person take charge because that’s what everybody in the world needs to see.”

Jaaron Coleman
Sports Management


“I feel like he is justified in his protest and if everybody’s argument is going to be that he is disrespecting the people that fought for his right to peacefully protest, he has the right to not stand during the national anthem, so I don’t think he’s wrong at all, and I support his movement and I think more people should.”

Deja Bell


“People have always found some way to protest what we’re doing in America and that’s part of what makes America, America. A lot of people like to comment that they are not real patriots or that they don’t belong in this country or there are soldiers fighting for your right to stand for the national anthem, but they are also fighting for your right to not do that.”

Eric Gudgel
Genetics Biology

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