Home Opinion Make All Americans Great Again

Make All Americans Great Again

by Ethan Leach

As I’m writing this, it is now the day after the election, and Donald Trump has been declared the next president of the United States. In the hours since Mr. Trump passed the 270 electoral vote count, I have seen countless news broadcasts and social media posts reacting to the news.

Some people are overjoyed, some are dismayed, and a great number, I think, are simply bewildered. In the midst of all of this chaos, I’ve observed many wary citizens who seem to be bracing themselves for the coming months.

I can certainly understand their fear. After a brutal campaign season that devolved into hyperbole and personal attacks, I believe that most of Trump’s political rivals are terrified at the prospect of a Trump presidency. And this fear doesn’t seem to be limited to Democrats and Hillary supporters. Many moderates, and even some Republicans are deeply concerned about the presidential actions of a man who, for most of the campaign, showed little self-restraint.

While Trump’s impulsive speech would appear to foreshadow erratic behavior, I believe there are a few things we can anticipate from a President Trump.

First of all, I believe that illegal immigration will be drastically reduced. Since the call to “build the wall” was a major part of Trump’s campaign, securing the border should be one of the primary goals of his administration. Whether he proposes building a physical wall or deploying more border guards, the net effect should be a decrease in the flow of immigrants illegally crossing the border.

Secondly, I believe that Trump will allow the economy to grow. As he is an experienced businessman, I can envision Trump slashing taxes and loosening restrictions on free trade. Both actions would allow business owners to invest in their businesses rather than sending their money to Washington, D.C.

In the same way, I foresee President Trump easing restrictions on energy exploration, leading to greater energy independence. Whether it’s drilling for offshore oil, fracking for natural gas, or utilizing the country’s coal deposits, Trump’s rejection of stifling restrictions should reduce America’s dependence on foreign energy sources.

Referencing law enforcement, Trump said in a debate with Hillary Clinton, “We need law and order, but we need justice too.” This statement reflects Trump’s call to enforce federal law. While his tough stance on immigration law is well known, he also received an endorsement from the Fraternal Order of Police, which indicates that law enforcement officials support his intention to enforce existing laws.

Trump’s ideas of law and order are reflected in his remarks about national security, and particularly his stance against terrorism. In a speech regarding terrorism that he gave on August 15, Trump said, “ISIS [is] rounding up what it calls ‘the nation of the cross’ in a campaign of genocide. We cannot let this evil continue. Nor can we let the hateful ideology of radical Islam – its oppression of women, gays, children, and nonbelievers – be allowed to reside or spread within our own countries.”

While denouncing the violence that ISIS and other groups have perpetrated in other countries, Trump also recognized domestic attacks in Orlando, Boston, San Bernardino, Chattanooga, and Fort Hood.

In order to differentiate between the actions of ISIS and those of peaceful Muslims, Trump said, “Our administration will be a friend to all moderate Muslim reformers in the Middle East, and will amplify their voices.”

It remains to be seen whether Trump will fulfill his campaign promises, and whether his calls to reach across the aisle will break down partisan barriers in Washington. Many conservatives are skeptical of Trump’s Republican allegiances, and many liberals are wary of political retribution. As the campaign season has demonstrated, American voters remain fractured, and following his inauguration, President Trump must prove that his promise to “Make America Great Again” applies to all Americans.

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