Halloween is loved by people of all ages, but why is it not appropriate for teenagers to dress up and go door to door for candy? Halloween, specifically trick or treating, is intended for toddlers and children up to the age of 13 in most communities. Now, it makes sense that most teenagers around this age begin to think of stuff like dressing up as “uncool” and “immature,” but when you turn 18, 19 and 20 years old, you’re going to want to go trick or treating again and bring out your inner child, believe me. So, how old is too old for trick or treating and dressing up on Halloween?
Most Halloween parties during high school and college years are a window of opportunity for teenagers to dress up and have some fun. The parties aren’t supervised and there is most likely alcohol involved and the costumes are over revealing, but hey, it’s a party. I’m not throwing hate on these type of parties; go out and have some responsible fun. The trick-or-treating portion of Halloween, however, is a different story. Usually, if a teenager dresses up appropriately and goes door to door for some free candy, they will get funny looks. Some houses might even turn them away from getting candy. But, if you think about it, wouldn’t you want a 16 year old at your doorstep dressed up as Jack Skellington and asking you for candy instead of out keying your car or doing illegal drugs? I don’t know about you, but I would rather have a 16 year old trick or treating than putting their life in danger.
After the age of 13, it seems like we all start to get old really fast. We begin to have responsibilities that pile up rather quickly, and we don’t have time to just relax, eat candy and just enjoy being a kid, even if it’s for one night. But how could we justify ourselves as college students, in our 20s, who just want to go trick-or-treating?
As a 19 year old, I want to go trick-or-treating and get free candy. Reason one, because candy is expensive and I am a broke college student. Reason two, because I want to be a 5-year-old without any responsibilities for a night and get away from the stresses of college. Most college students probably agree with me on this. Some of us haven’t trick-or-treated in about five years, or more, depending on how old you are now and when you stopped. But really, what harm would we be doing? Dressing up in appropriate costumes and going door to door for candy is better than going out doing drugs or something illegal and just hoping we don’t get caught. So in all reality, trick-or-treating as a 20 something-year-old is a lot better than sitting in our dorm rooms. Plus, we get free stuff, which is the only affordable price in a college student’s budget.