The ‘Burnian wants to make one thing clear – that one opinion piece published in our newspaper does not reflect the opinions and beliefs of all staff members. It has come to our attention that the cartoon that ran in our last issue (Vol. 17, No.1) provoked many individuals on campus. While we understand that some of the items we run in our publication can be irritating or frustrating, we would like for our readers to know that it has never been our intent to attack a particular group of people nor to intentionally hurt anyone’s feelings.
That being said, we stand by our staff and the content they create. Although we do edit some of what is written and illustrated, we do our best to reflect the opinions and current events that are happening on campus and in the Carlinville community.
The cartoon, which cast a negative light on our dining hall, was actually a replication of a student-created Instagram account entitled “TrueDing.”
Again, it was never our intention to hurt anyone, and in fact, we are very thankful that we do have a dining service available at our institution. One can assume that students are always going to be unsatisfied with what they have, because we have been raised to always want more. Blame it on generational issues, blame it on a lack of morals and values, blame it on whatever you want.
This isn’t the last cartoon or article you will see and get upset about in our publication – we are not public relations. However, we would love any and all feedback and we welcome guest columns, commentaries and letters to the editor. If you have any questions, concerns, tips or feedback, email us at