“Do you support the removal of Confederate statues? Why or why not?” Seth Olson Senior – Accounting Major “No, I think they…
Your Dam Opinion
Campus & CommunityFeaturesYour Dam Opinion
Your Dam Opinion: Seniors, what do you regret not doing (or regret doing) during your time at Blackburn?
Seniors, what do you regret not doing (or regret doing) during your time at Blackburn? Nate Kinnison Biology Major “I wish I…
Campus & CommunityFeaturesYour Dam Opinion
Your Dam Opinion: What do you think about Emanuel’s idea?
Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanuel, wants to introduce an additional requirement for all high school seniors in the city’s public school system; in…
“I don’t have one because I know I won’t keep one” Elizabeth Orr Junior Graphic Arts & Marketing Double Major “Stop being…
OpinionYour Dam Opinion
Your Dam Opinion: Why did you choose Blackburn?
by Jordan Woodby Jordan Wood“Blackburn wasn’t my first choice originally; it was my second. It’s good work experience, the professors are really nice, fairly low tuition…
“It’s all about prioritizing.” Fatima Noor Sophomore International Relations and Organizational Leadership Major “I wing it. Things will fall into place.” Shelby…
OpinionYour Dam Opinion
Your Dam Opinion: How do you feel about the new snack bar items?
by Dusty Glassby Dusty Glass“I think the new items are fantastic!” James Zeigler Senior Accounting and Mathematics Major “I feel its great, the changes snack bar…
OpinionYour Dam Opinion
Your Dam Opinion: What do you think of Colin Kaepernick not standing for the National Anthem?
by Jordan Woodby Jordan Wood“As a military-based family, it honestly goes both ways because he does have the right to sit down, but also people died…
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